How has the CentraleSupélec Foundation improved its donor relations?

Historically, the CentraleSupélec Foundation worked with two distinct business tools that were isolated from the school's other departments. It decided to implement a single CRM, based on Dynamics 365 technology. After two years, it's a success! The CRM helps the foundation know its donors better, interact with them more accurately and foster collaboration with other departments at the school.

Reading time 7 min

Phot équipe fondation CentraleSupélec
Objectifs Fondation CentraleSupélec


Replacing two historical business tools and Excel files by a common CRM allowing the centralization of information between the different departments of the school
Réponse Fondation CentraleSupélec


Integration of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM in order to centralize the information collected and to obtain a cross vision between departments. Implementation of a Marketing Automation module.
Intervention Fondation CentraleSupéléc


Integration of a CRM project from A to Z, starting with the study of the need and the prioritization of the requests. The CRM then evolved every month until today, following an agile methodology. Support and training.

Why did you choose Tenolo?

Consolidate information in one place


Improve communication


Automate manual tasks


Focus on safety

Problèmes de la Fondation CentraleSupélec

How did Tenolo's intervention go?

October 2019

Start of discussions! Loïs is organizing an ideation workshop with the CentraleSupélec Foundation. If the foundation had a magic wand, which features would be implemented? The objective of this workshop is to set the roadmap of the Foundation.

Atelier construction / idéationPrésentation & Synchronisation

Late 2019

The first development cycles have begun! Lois and the Centrale-Supélec Foundation are building the Foundation's future CRM week by week. The first development cycles are focusing on donors: What information do we want to bring out? What performance indicators do we want to put in place?

Early 2020

The project continues to move forward! The development cycles are coming together, and we are beginning to develop the concept of giving, gift commitment, gift allocation. What information do we want to highlight? What legal information should be recorded? How can we save the Foundation some time, what automation should we put in place?


July 2020

Only a few months after the launch of the project, the CRM is in production! The data from the historical tools are loaded on the platform and the users are trained. The CRM faces the reality of the field. The agility of our methodology allows us to correct the imperfections of the CRM within the hour.

Late 2020 - Early 2021

After a few weeks in production, the CRM perfectly meets the Foundation's requirements. The historical business tools are disconnected. The foundation decides to capitalize on this success and to progressively integrate its other tools into the CRM. The Dynamics for Outlook module is integrated, as is their website. Online donations arrive directly in the CRM, to the delight of the foundation's employees!


Late 2021

The CentraleSupélec Foundation decided to complete the CRM with the Dynamics 365 for Marketing module. This module allows them to personalize their interactions with donors to the maximum. They can precisely segment their donors using the information in the database. The email design tool allows them to quickly create quality newsletters and send them. All these interactions are then analyzed by the marketing team and used to improve future mailings. The open rate of their emails explodes!

Since 2022

And now ?
The CRM continues to adapt to the needs of the CentraleSupélec Foundation. A few weeks ago, the Foundation decided to implement direct debit. We were able to add this functionality in just a few days. 

The usage rate is over 95%. It is now the Foundation's daily tool. They use it to collaborate with other departments, who are also using CRM. 

CRM has contributed to their success. In 2021, despite the COVID-19 crisis, the Foundation reached more than 12 million euros in donations. These donations have been used to support research, entrepreneurship, gender parity and to help students financially impacted by COVID-19. 

Prélèvement automatique

The digital transition of the CentraleSupélec Foundation is a success!

The Foundation talks about it

guillemet gauche

This CRM project allowed us to capitalize on important information and to better exploit our data
This project has allowed us to do our job better, to be informed and to better respond better to donors.
Nathalie Bousseau (Director of the CentraleSupélec Foundation)
Guillemet droit

We were able to centralize our information and secure it.
We saw an opportunity to increase our donations.
Tenolo's intervention has enabled us to develop a real strategic steering and targeting pivot, as well as an optimization of working time.
Camille Dumeny-Hueber (Head of Prospect Research and Donor Relations)

Key figures

> 95%
Utilization rate
+ 2 Million
Donations in 2021
1 unique tool
for 90 users

And the future with Tenolo?

Get customized dashboards in real time

Develop the school's brand

Et l'avenir avec Tenolo
Deploy other Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing features like events or LinkedIn campaigns

To have a better follow-up of our activity

Are you interested in this solution? Contact us for more information!

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